The City of Highland Park maintains a database of publicly available information about properties located within the city limits. This database includes each property's zoning & land information, utility billing, permits, invoices, assessed value, and tax records. This information is available to browse using a system called BS&A Online. It's the same system used for many online services like some payments, applying for permits, or searching for registered rental properties. 

Step 1.Visit the BS&A Online Portal

To get started, visit the BS&A Online Portal. This is where you can find all publicly available property information.

View BS&A Online

Step 2.Search for a Property 

Near the top of the BS&A Online screen, you will find a search box. To the left of the search box, you can adjust what records you are looking for and what you want to search by. By default, it is set to search all records by address. This is usually a great place to start, but if you are comfortable using BS&A Online you can adjust this for more specific searches. 

Enter the address you are looking for and hit enter or press the search button to the right of the search box. The search may return a list or a single result. Click the result that you are searching for. 

Step 3.Review Property Information

At the top of the property record you will find photographs of the property along with summary information. Immediately below this you will see tabs that will navigate to Tax Information, Building Department, and Utility Bill Info. By default, the Property Information tab is selected.  

Property Information
This tab will show general information about the property, like the current owner, tax information, land details, building information, and sale history. You can see a property's zoning under the Land Information heading. 

Tax Information
This tab will show a properties tax history, payment dates, and any amounts due. You can expand each item in the tax history to show additional information, including a breakdown of the total bill. 

Building Department
This tab will show the property's permit history with issue and inspection dates. You can also view detail information for each permit listed.  

Utility Bill Info
This tab shows a property's utility billing history. Here you can find the current utility bill and the billing and payment history for the account. Items in the history can be expanded for more detail. You can make a payment for a current bill from this page by clicking "Pay Now" in the red box near the top of the page.

This tab shows a property's invoice history and any amounts currently due. You can make a payment for a current bill from this page by clicking "Pay Now" in the red box near the top of the page.

We're happy to answer questions and help find information about your property over the phone. If you have questions, call 313-252-0050.